Senin, 02 Februari 2009

Listing Assembler

; this sample shows the use of a timer function (int 15h / 86h)
; this code prints some chars with 1 second delay.
; note: Windows XP does not support this interrupt (always sets CF=1),
; to test this program in real environment write it to a floppy disk using
; compiled writebin.asm. after sucessfull compilation of both files,
; type this from command prompt: writebin timer.bin
; note: floppy disk boot record will be overwritten.
; the floppy will not be useable under windows/dos until
; you reformat it, data on floppy disk may be lost.
; use empty floppy disks only.

name "timer"
#make_boot#org 7c00h
; set the segment registers mov ax, csmov ds, axmov es, ax
call set_video_modecall clear_screen
next_char:cmp count, 0jz stop

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